
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked his ministers to focus on work, including the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) should be able to lower the price of cooking oil.

"I ask all ministers to focus on work. If the Minister of Trade takes care of the most important thing, as I was tasked with yesterday, how to reduce the price of cooking oil to Rp. 14,000 or below Rp. 14,000. The most important thing is my task," said President Jokowi at the Market Sukamandi, Subang Regency, West Java, Tuesday 12 July

On Sunday, July 10, a video circulated on social media showing Trade Minister Zuhas inviting residents in Lampung to vote for his son Futri Zulya Savitri, who is running as a candidate for DPR RI in the Lampung I electoral district. Zulhas' invitation for residents to vote for his son was carried out while distributing cooking oil. in Telukbetung Timur sub-district, Bandar Lampung.

"So to the markets to check, I also check cooking oil. Mainly, what we check is bulk oil, you know. Don't ever run to premium packaged oil, what we check is bulk cooking oil so that the price is in the right figure. Rp. 14,000 or less," the President continued.

The President also emphasized that ministers, especially those in charge of energy and food, should focus on handling these two things. According to him, currently the world situation is being disrupted in these two fields.

"Everyone must focus on work, especially those related to energy and food, this is important. I will continue to take care of matters related to fuel, energy-related matters such as coal, all because the world is disrupted in energy and food, so we must concentrate and not let We are slipping in these two areas," Jokowi said, according to Antara.

The President explained that from a number of markets he visited, the prices were already in that price range.

"If outside Java there are still more than Rp. 14 thousand, we will deal with them one by one," said the President.

During his visit to Sukamandi Market, President Jokowi handed over a number of social assistance for the beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and traders.

"Earlier, as usual, providing additional working capital for micro-enterprises, for market traders, for street vendors (PKL). It is important because we want to trigger economic growth which is under recovery due to the pandemic," he added.

The Head of State also provides a number of assistance for PKH beneficiaries.

"Then there is also an addition to the PKH program, especially for mothers who have businesses at home, home businesses so that an additional capital of IDR 1.2 million is added," said the President.

The President also ensured that the assistance could strengthen people's purchasing power so as to increase local economic growth.

"We don't want to let the people's purchasing power go down, don't let the people's purchasing power go down. So that if there is an excess in the APBN, from taxes, from non-tax revenues, from export levies, it will also be directed to the people below, their purchasing power will also be strengthened so that maybe later there will be additions for them," said the President.

And also in addition to the PKH program, especially for mothers who have businesses at home, home businesses are an additional 1.2 million in capital.

Also accompanying the President in the activity were Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, and Subang Regent Ruhimat.

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