
JAKARTA - The survey from the Indonesian Political Indicators conducted on June 16 to 24, 2022 showed as many as 34.2 percent of respondents rated it good regarding the handling of corruption eradication in Indonesia. and 27.6 percent bad," said the Executive Director of Indonesian Political Indicator Burhanuddin Muhtadi when delivering the survey results online as monitored through the Indonesian Political Indicator YouTube channel in Jakarta, Monday, July 11. Thus, according to Burhanuddin, the public is currently more optimistic that the eradication of corruption in Indonesia can be carried out well by law enforcement institutions, such as the Attorney General's Office which has made many breakthroughs in cracking down on corruption. Previously in April 2022, Indonesian Political Indicators conducted a similar survey. In the survey, they found that 37.8 percent of respondents thought that eradicating corruption in Indonesia was bad, while another 28 percent rated it good. eradication of corruption in Indonesia.

+The survey from Indonesian Political Indicators was conducted with a survey population consisting of all Indonesian citizens who have the right to vote in general elections, namely those who are 17 years old or older or already married when the survey was conducted. Then, the sample was drawn using a random sampling method. multistage random sampling with a base sample of 1,200 people and coming from all provinces which are proportionally distributed. The selected respondents were then interviewed face-to-face by trained interviewers. With the stratified random sampling method, the base sample size of 1,200 respondents in this survey had a tolerance or margin of error of approximately 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level. .

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