
JAYAWIJAYA - The Jayawijaya Regency Government, Papua Province, continues to remind 238 village heads not to use village funds (DD) to pay fines for murder or fines for other issues.

Deputy Regent of Jayawijaya, Marthin Yogobi, said that every time he went to villages and districts with the regent, he always conveyed the message.

"We always remind residents that the village funds are not for paying the head because the regulations do not have an allocation for it", he said while in Wamena, Antara, Monday, July 11.

The former Head of the Jayawijaya Social Service invites his citizens to protect each other, not kill each other. "Don't value human life with money", he said.

The government distributes village funds to improve the welfare of citizens in terms of economy and infrastructure, not for fines.

Martin explained that the village funds did not belong to the individual village head or other village officials. Its use must also be transparent in front of the public.

"It is not private property, so I ask that its management be more transparent", he said.

He hoped that the village head in Jayawijaya would no longer be ensnared by the law due to the misuse of village funds.

"It's not just the village head, the treasurer who makes the plans. The community in the village must be involved because this is a legal risk if it's not managed properly", he said.

He hopes that the relevant agencies will continue to carry out socialization and monitor the use of village funds so that it runs as expected by the government.

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