
MEDAN - A boy with the initials ZAZ (9) died after being swept away by the Silau River around Bunga Beach, Tanjung Alam Village, Seidadap District, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra.

Head of the Medan Basarnas Office, Budiono, through the Coordinator of the Tanjung Balai-Asahan SAR Post, Ady Pandawa, said the victim's body was found at around 11.00 WIB, Monday, July 11.

"The victim was found dead about 50 meters from the initial location", said Ady.

Ady explained that the incident began when the victim and 6 of his friends went to Sungai Silau to play in the water, Sunday, July 10 afternoon.

"A moment later the victim saw a floating refrigerator door crossing in the middle of the river. The victim then intended to take the refrigerator door to be used as a toy in the water", continued Ady.

However, when he was about to reach the refrigerator door, the sand that the victim stepped on suddenly disappeared. As a result, the victim lost his balance and was immediately swept away by the current of the river.

"The victim tried to ask for help but none of the victim's friends dared to help because he was not good at swimming. Then his friend reported the incident to residents and forwarded it to the Tanjung Balai Asahan SAR Post", said Ady.

Getting the report, the SAR then dispatched officers to search. Currently, the victim's body has been evacuated to the funeral home and handed over to the family.

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