
JAYAPURA - Acting Regent of Nduga Namia Gwijangge has encouraged the construction of new airports in his area to be resumed to accelerate transportation access in the district.

"The new airport in Kenyam is a vital means to support the acceleration of development and access for people to enter and leave the Nduga Regency", he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, July 9.

According to Namia, the construction of the new Kenyam Airport was stopped because several required documents did not meet the requirements.

"Such as the planning document for the Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal) and the release of customary land", he said.

He explained that this issue must be a joint concern with local, central, and regional governments.

"We hope that the airport construction can be continued immediately using the budget year and immediately prepare and resolve the lack of document requirements that do not yet exist", he said.

Namia said that now work on the airport has only been completed for 620 meters from the 1,600-meter target, which later can be landed by a minimum of ATR-type aircraft.

"The airport track can also be extended to 2,500 meters because the available land is four thousand square meters", said Namia.


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