
JAKARTA - The West Jakarta City Government has appealed to motorcyclists in the Kota Tua area, West Jakarta, not to cross the newly revitalized sidewalk.

"We urge all motorists not to pass on the sidewalk because it endangers pedestrians and can damage the sidewalks as well," said Head of the West Jakarta Transportation Agency (Jakbar), Muslim, quoting Antara, Friday, July 8.

According to Muslim, there are several factors that cause motorcyclists to pass on the sidewalk. One of them is to avoid congestion in the Kota Tua area, which is currently in the process of revitalization.

The revitalization process at several points caused the road to narrow so that the vehicle stalled.

"Indeed, the location is currently under project work. But it is not the reason motorcyclists can go up onto the sidewalk," he said.

At the same time, the Sub-Coordinator for Development and Improvement of Jalan Dinas Bina Marga Jakarta, Sigit Widodo, said that his party would build several barrier poles (bolard) at several sidewalk intersections.

This is done so that motorcyclists and cars do not rise onto the recently revitalized sidewalks.

"We have installed 'Bollard' at several points, but we also hope for cooperation in monitoring from several related parties so that vehicles do not rise onto the sidewalk," he said.

Monitoring on the sidewalks of Kota Tua, to be precise in front of the Taman Sari sub-district office on Friday at 12.00 WIB, several motorcyclists passed over the sidewalk during traffic jams.

As a result, several pedestrians on the sidewalk avoided being hit by a passing motorbike.

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