
PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has also strengthened and optimized the participation of workers so that they can be protected by the employment social security program presented by the state through the Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJAMSOSTEK). "We together with the West Kalimantan Attorney General's Office have signed a memorandum of understanding to optimize the participation of workers so that they can be protected by the employment social security program. This collaboration is expected to increase the participation coverage. This is also important to encourage the community of workers in West Kalimantan to be protected with the BPJAMSOSTEK social security program," said Deputy Director of BPJAMSOSTEK Kalimantan Rini Suryani in Pontianak, Friday. He explained that the use of the employment social security program has been felt by many workers. Then, not only workers but also families from social security participants. "Currently, the coverage has only reached 27 percent of the number of workforce in West Kalimantan. Increasing compliance with BPJAMSOSTEK participation is a homework in West Kalimantan," said Rini, quoted by Antara. He added that social security protection for workers is not only for independent workers and beneficiaries but is also given to vulnerable workers. Especially for the protection of vulnerable workers, his party has started to build cooperation with the local government. Protection from the payment of contributions budgeted in the APBD.

The protection of vulnerable workers to help the community, who are vulnerable both in terms of risk and income. To continue to educate companies to include their workers by cooperating with associations and associations," he explained. Meanwhile, Kajati Kalbar Masyhudi said cooperation with BPJAMSOSTEK was carried out to increase the awareness of workers and companies about the protection program for social security. The scope of workers is still low for West Kalimantan. So as a note, of course implementers in the field need to evaluate to improve and optimize their work in providing understanding to the public the importance of entering the BP Jamsostek program," said Masyhudi. He reminded companies to report actually related to the data of their workers. Starting from the number of workers to the actual wages received. "Don't be wrong, if you don't report, you can be punished. In addition to assisting and providing awareness, the prosecutor's office can also enforce the law," he stressed. Head of BPJAMSOSTEK Pontianak Branch Ryan Gustaviana said follow-up to cooperation would be formed by a compliance team. This team is not only available at the provincial level but also in districts/cities. "This team will disseminate and socialize companies on a medium scale related to compliance with social security programs for workers. We hope that with the compliance team, it can increase the number of social security participation for workers in West Kalimantan," he said.

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