
TANGERANG - A food truck carrying frozen food experienced a traffic accident on the Ciputat flyover, South Tangerang. As a result, traffic jams occur for five kilometers.

The Head of Traffic for the South Tangerang Police, Iptu Nanda Sety, said the incident occurred on Tuesday, July 7, at 11.00 WIB.

The incident began when the truck driven by M drove from Ciputat towards Pamulang. But upon arrival at the Ciputat flyover, the truck tried to avoid the motorcyclist until it finally rolled over.

"As a result, traffic flow has been congested for approximately 45 minutes," said Nanda, Thursday, July 7.

Nanda confirmed there were no casualties in the incident. However, congestion reached five kilometers or the evacuation process reached 45 minutes.

"Approximately 45 minutes. There were no injuries or casualties in the incident," he concluded. Based on VOI monitoring at the scene, until 13.00 WIB the truck boy was still in a ousted position. In fact, many motorcyclists turned back down from the flyover to avoid congestion. They chose to take the bottom route, under the flyover so they could cross Jalan Raya Ciputat.

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