
JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Guspardi Gaus, reminded the government not to only choose acting (Pj) regional heads who have the capability and quality. However, it must also pay attention to the independence factor.

According to him, the aspect of independence is very important to pay attention to in order to maintain the neutrality of local governments ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"This is also to avoid the existence of individual acting regional heads who are part of the success team of certain political parties," said Guspardi to reporters, Thursday, July 7.

Guspardi assessed that the aspect of independence is a very important factor to consider in the selection of the acting regional head so that there is no politicization of the bureaucracy. "This is what I always highlight so that the government in determining and appointing the acting regional head, in addition to capability, quality, must also consider the independence factor, in order to minimize the potential for politicization of the bureaucracy," said the PAN politician.

The West Sumatra electoral district legislator also hopes that the central government is also truly independent in choosing the acting regional head. As mandated by Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This law emphasizes that ASN must have integrity, capability, and independence in carrying out their duties. Because, said Guspardi, one of the duties of the acting regional head is to guard the ASN and the bureaucracy so that they remain neutral in the process of the 2024 election stages.

In addition, he added, the election of an acting regional head by prioritizing the independence aspect can also be a good legacy for President Joko Widodo. Where will end his term in 2024. "Pak Jokowi is seen as a very independent person, even though he is supported by many political parties. Because of his position as President, he will certainly act as a statesman who does not want to use the field of selecting regional head officials as a place to win. certain political parties," concluded Guspardi.

Previously, Chairman of the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) Agus Pramusinto, assessed that the government needed to be more selective and pay attention to various criteria in appointing acting regional heads. One of them relates to neutrality. According to him, the acting regional head needs to have a track record, namely being clean from acts of violating the neutrality of ASN in the past.

As a form of anticipation of the disruption of neutrality, Agus conveyed that KASN has sent reports to the President and the Minister of Home Affairs, including by submitting the names of high-ranking officials in ministries/institutions/local governments who have a track record of violating neutrality in the past.

"Moreover, the term of office of the acting regional head this time will be much longer than the term of office of the acting regional head in previous regional elections," he said.

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