
PONTIANAK - The head of the Pontianak City DPRD, Satarudin, urged an audit of the use of the budget for the philanthropic organization Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) which was suspected of misappropriating humanitarian donations.

According to him, the audit was conducted to prevent ACT officials from misappropriating the foundation's budget.

"To respond to the widespread information or issues regarding the amount of salaries and facilities received by the top brass of the national philanthropic institution, it is necessary to carry out an audit," said Satarudin in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Thursday, July 7.

He admitted that he was surprised when he saw the salary range for the top officials in the institution, which was Rp250 million a month for the founding position, then Rp200 million for senior vice president and Rp50 million for executive directors a month.

"Wow, this is huge, while the existing funds are people's funds," he said, according to Antara.

In addition to philanthropic institutions that are currently in a frenzy, namely ACT and several other philanthropic institutions, their salaries have also been revealed. Other philanthropic institutions, with the highest salaries reaching Rp. 25 million and Rp. 40 million.

In Pontianak City, said Satarudin, a national philanthropic institution also exists. Personally, he hopes that there will be no misuse of the budget, let alone used it for personal facilities, such as luxury cars and even to build luxury houses using people's funds.

According to him, philanthropic institutions are institutions that manage people's funds and have many social programs. The assistance includes educational assistance, social programs and assistance to please orphans.

"Of course the circulation of the money donated is for large activities so that it must be explained to the public as a form of accountability, the goal is not to make people think negatively," he said.

Satarudin added, with the rise of the issue that many people are talking about, if it is not responded wisely, it will more or less make the public's trust in philanthropic institutions shake.

For this reason, he suggested that it should not spread everywhere, every philanthropic institution should be audited for its financial use, so that public trust in giving alms will be higher.

"We feel sorry for social institutions that really run with all their heart. It could be due to the actions of one person who damaged a pot of milk. My advice, don't look for personal gain using people's funds, especially from community alms," he said.

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