
SURABAYA - East Java Deputy Chief of Police, Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, confirmed that he would enforce the law related to the sexual abuse case against female students in Jombang Regency. He promised to hunt down MSAT as a suspect in the case.

"We are currently struggling to enforce the law. The police also want to carry out their duties professionally," said Slamet in Surabaya, Wednesday, July 6.

However, Slamet did not explain in detail when the police team would forcibly pick up the MSAT suspect again. He also did not convey the obstacles experienced by officers in the field.

"Actually, there is no problem. We will convey the problem later in the field," he said.

The case of sexual abuse of female students who ensnared the child of a kiai in Jombang, East Java, MSAT has not yet entered the realm of trial. This is because the police have not been able to present a suspect for phase two (submission of the suspect and evidence) to the public prosecutor.

Some time ago, the police from the Jombang Police who were backed up by the East Java Regional Police tried to make an attempt to arrest MSAT but failed. The police only arrested two people who had obstructed police work when they were going to pursue the MSAT molestation DPO.

The police only arrested two people, and secured evidence in the form of an airsoft gun. Which at that time was in the Isuzu Panther car with Nopol S-1741-ZJ.

The Highlights

As previously reported, a kiai asked the Jombang Police Chief, AKBP Nurhidayat, to stop the alleged molestation of female students, which was widely circulated in WhatsApp groups. The kiai is the father of the suspect MSAT (DPO).

The video was widely circulated after the Jombang Police forcibly picked up the MSAT suspect at his residence, namely the Sidiqiyah Islamic Boarding School in Losari Village, Ploso District, Jombang Regency, East Java. The forced pick-up was carried out by the Jombang Police, on Sunday, July 3.

In the 1.55 second video, the kiai and the Jombang Police Chief are seen in an assembly. The kiai was sitting on a chair, while the police chief sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the kiai.

In the video, the kiai can be seen asking the Jombang Police Chief not to continue the legal case that befell his son (MSAT, ed). The reason is that the alleged molestation case by MSAT against a number of female students is slander.

"For our common safety, for the glory of Indonesia Raya, this slander issue is a family matter. For that, go back to your respective places, don't force yourself to take my child who has been slandered," said the kiai in the video.

Hearing the advice from the MSAT suspect's father, the Jombang Police Chief did not seem to respond. He just sat down and listened to the kiai.

"All of that is slander. Allahu Akbar, that's enough," said the kiai, accompanied by takbir by the congregation who attended the assembly.

East Java PWNU Urges Police to Arrest Suspect

Meanwhile, the administrators of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama (PWNU) region spoke out regarding the alleged molestation of female students by the kiai's son in Jombang Regency. PWNU also supports the police's move to arrest the MSAT perpetrators who are now fugitives.

"We support the police and the prosecutor's office to take action against anyone who violates the law, no matter what their social status," said the Chair of the East Java PWNU, Marzuki Mustamar, Tuesday, July 6.

Marzuki asked the police not to be selective in taking action against the perpetrators who were suspected of molesting female students. He hopes that the police will be firm, and will not be influenced by the intervention of the social status of the perpetrators from any group.

"The law should not be indiscriminate, regardless of class, whatever social status. Whether they are officials, religious leaders, poor, rich and others. Law enforcers such as the police, prosecutors, courts cannot lose to groups or anything else," he said.

Therefore, Marzuki hopes that the Legawa Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) is open and does not fight against law enforcement officers. If the MSAT perpetrator is indeed innocent, he said, it would be best to let it be decided later in court.

"The case will be after being found guilty and serving a sentence and later there will be humanitarian considerations, please talk to the kiai. Only later will we talk about benefit issues," he said.

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