
KENDARI - The Kendari City Government conducted socialization about stunting prevention to the public, especially prospective brides and pregnant women in Poasia District, Southeast Sulawesi (Sulawesi).

Assistant II of the Regional Secretariat Kendari Susanti said stunting has now become a national issue and concern, including in the local area, so it is necessary to take preventive measures in order to create a healthy next generation.

"Kendari City's stunting rate is still below the national average, but the government continues to strive so that stunting management continues so that healthy human resources (HR) are realized," he said in Kendari, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 6.

He said the government was focusing on preventing child stunting through newlyweds and pregnant women.

"The government in carrying out its duties and functions in handling stunting prevention in Kendari City is focused on pregnant women, prospective brides, teenagers, and children in 15 urban villages in Kendari City," he said.

The socialization was organized by the Kendari City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A) together with the Kendari PKK with the resource persons being the Head of the Kendari City PPPA Service Sitti Ganef and the Kendari City TP-PKK Chairperson Sri Lestari Sulkarnain.

This socialization was attended by the Head of the Poasia Sub-district and his staff, the Head of the TP-PKK at the kelurahan level, representatives of youth and prospective brides from each kelurahan and the Children's Forum from the kelurahan, sub-district, to city levels.

He hopes that all participants in the socialization can understand the material presented well so that in their daily lives they can prevent stunting.

"Hopefully the socialization material can be conveyed well to the community so that stunting prevention in Kendari City can be implemented and it is hoped that stunting in our area can be resolved," said Susanti.

The head of the Kendari Health Office, Rahminingrum, previously explained that until 2022 there were 227 stunting cases in Kendari City spread over 15 urban villages.

As many as 15 sub-districts are at the same time the locus of stunting handling which is determined based on the number of families at risk of stunting, the number of stunting children, and the prevalence of stunting.

"For 2022, we have set 15 sub-districts spread across all sub-districts to become special locations for handling stunting cases," he said.

The 15 sub-districts are Tobimeita, Talia, Puday, Ponggaloba, Poasia, Bungkutoko, Lepo-lepo, Sambuli, Purirano, Petoaha, Lalodati, Baruga, Labibia, Anaiwoi, and Sanua.

His party has also determined 10 sub-districts to be the locus of stunting management for 2023.

"From the number of sub-districts, four of them are also loci of stunting in 2022, because these four sub-districts are still eligible to be included in the locus of stunting in 2023 due to the prevalence of stunting in the four urban villages is still quite high, although prevalence in 2022 has decreased. ," he said.

A total of four sub-districts that will become the locus of stunting for 2022 and again become the locus of stunting for 2023, namely Purirano, Punggaloba, Anawai, and Baruga.

Head of the Kendari City Population Control and Family Planning Agency Jahuddin said, one of the stunting prevention efforts was to form a team to accelerate stunting and reduce poverty in Kendari City and through the Healthy Kitchen Overcome Stunting (Dashat) program.

"The formation of this team is a form of the Kendari City Government's commitment to prevent stunting and supports the National Action Plan for the Acceleration of Stunting Rate Reduction in Indonesia (RAN-Pasti)," said Jahuddin.

He said each team member has the task of mentoring, counseling, and pre-wedding health checks for each prospective bride and groom in their respective areas.

"The assistance since the three months of pre-nuptials is for the prospective couple to be ready to have a healthy pregnancy later after marriage, by providing an understanding of what the ideal weight is for pregnancy, adequate nutritional intake and the like," he said.

Where, they carry out these tasks under the coordination of the Kendari City Family Planning Population Control Service, the Health Office, also in collaboration with officials at the sub-district, kelurahan and the local Religious Affairs Office (KUA).

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