BPBD Lebak Banten Records, There Have Been 277 Natural Disasters Throughout January – June 2022
Illustration of victims of natural disaster in Lebak Banten/Photo: Antara


JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province, recorded 277 natural disasters during January-June 2022 due to heavy rains accompanied by strong winds and lightning as well as earthquakes or ground movements.

"As a result of natural disasters, material losses are estimated at billions of rupiah and three residents have died," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD, Agus Reza Faisal, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

The causes of natural disasters in Lebak Regency are due to extreme weather factors that cause floods, landslides, ground movements, tornadoes, lightning strikes, being dragged by waves to an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6.

Throughout January to June 2022, the natural conditions were not friendly with heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds.

The people affected by the natural disaster reached thousands of families (KK) of whom fled after their homes were badly damaged.

Most of the residents affected by the natural disaster live on the banks of rivers, hills, mountains, and the coast.

"We don't stop telling people living in disaster-prone areas to increase their vigilance in order to avoid disaster risks," he said.

According to him, the 277 natural disasters consisted of 21 floods, 46 landslides, 118 tornadoes, 44 fires and 48 earthquakes and ground movements.

The Lebak BPBD mapped areas prone to natural disasters in Lebak Regency spread over Bayah, Sobang, Lebakgedong, Cigemblong, Bojongmanik, Cibeber, Muncang, Gunungkencana, Cipanas, Cileles, Cimarga, Cikulur, Leuwidamar and Cilograng sub-districts.

In addition, the Districts of Rangkasbitung, Cibadak, Kalanganyar, Maja, Curugbitung, Banjarsari, Wanasalam, Cihara and Malingping.

Therefore, the Lebak BPBD continues to coordinate with relevant agencies for post-disaster handling so that it can be handled properly, so that there are not many victims.

So far, he said, coordination has gone well with the DPUPR, PLN, police, TNI, Health Office, Social Service agencies and volunteers.

"We appreciate that the coordination remains solid, so that we can deal with the post-disaster appropriately and quickly," he said.

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