
MALANG - The Technical Management Unit (UPT) of the Grand Forest Park (Tahura) Raden Soerjo stated that there were additional personnel to search for a missing cross-country runner in the Mount Arjuno area, Malang Regency, East Java. Malang Regency, Tuesday, July 5 said that it plans to add approximately 20 personnel to search for the survivor from Jakarta named Yurbianto (46). Antara.Wahyudi explained that currently, there are approximately 75 personnel deployed in the search for the survivors. The search process is supported by the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and a number of volunteers. He added, with the plan to add approximately 20 personnel divided into the two teams, in total there will be 95 personnel to search for the whereabouts of the survivors." A total of 95 joint personnel were deployed. Currently, there are seven teams that have gone up through two routes. Six teams are from Tahura, one team is from Basarnas and a combination of volunteers," he said.

According to him, during the search process starting with the missing survivors, the team from Tahura R Soerjo departed from two points, namely from Lawang District, Malang Regency and Sumber Brantas Village, Batu City. But each of them has not received any progress," he said. Information circulated that the survivors sent a Save Our Soul (SOS) signal to the organizing committee for the cross-country race. Wahyudi added that the personnel conducting the search are currently still heading to the location where the SOS signal was sent. "It's still not confirmed. The team is still heading to that location," he said. The closure aims to optimize the search for survivors and not interfere with climbing activities. "Arjuno is temporarily closed for climbing, so as not to interfere with the search process. Closing until conditions are conducive, we will immediately reopen," he said. from Jakarta, named Yurbianto, was reported missing in the Mount Arjuno area, Wonorejo Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency, East Java, on July 3, 2022. Yurianto should have reported to the Gombes Post after coming from the top of Mount Arjuno on Sunday (3/7). However, until approximately 19.00 WIB local time, the survivor did not report to the post in question. The wife of the survivor, Melati Gunawan then reported the matter to the officers because her husband had not reported at the specified post. Yurbianto was listed as a participant in the 116 kilometer category with a total elevation of 8,050 meters.

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