
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Zakat Forum, Bambang Suherman, said that Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) is not part of the zakat management organization and ecosystem according to the provisions of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management.

As quoted in a written statement from the Zakat Forum received in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5, Bambang explained that Law Number 23 of 2011 strictly regulates the implementation and supervision of zakat management organizations. The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas), to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in order to minimize the potential for misappropriation of public funds and conflicts of interest within the organization. Bambang said the supervision of zakat management organizations (OPZ) includes internal supervision in the form of internal audits as well as audits from sharia supervisors. which is accredited by the Indonesian Ulema Council. "Then an external monitoring mechanism that involves an audit of sharia compliance by the Ministry of Religion and regular reporting per semester to Baznas," he said. Bambang said that the regulation also requires every zakat management organization to be audited by an accountant office. In addition, according to the Zakat Forum, the Indonesian National Work Competency Standard (SKKNI) in the field of zakat management has been ratified in order to create a zakat ecosystem that upholds transparency in financial management and program accountability as well as the management of zakat management organizations. .

The Zakat Forum states that the allocation of operational funds for zakat management organizations is regulated very strictly according to the MUI Fatwa Number 8 of 2020 concerning Amil Zakat and the Decree of the Minister of Religion Number 606 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Sharia Auditing. According to the MUI fatwa and the Decree of the Minister of Religion, the allocation of funds for operational management organizations zakat does not exceed one-eighth or 12.5 percent of the collected zakat funds and 20 percent of the total infaq, alms, and other religious social funds raised in one year. Meanwhile, ACT in a press conference on Monday stated that the institution allocated 13.7 percent from the funds raised for the operational costs of volunteers.

Bambang emphasized that regulations, supervisory mechanisms, institutional codes of ethics, and competency standards apply to zakat management organizations under the legal umbrella of Law Number 23 of 2011. Zakat management is a fulcrum that contributes to the growth and development of public trust in the management of public generosity funds through OPZ," he said.

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