
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency Asep Kuswanto said that by the end of 2022, four-wheeled vehicles that did not pass the emission test in Jakarta could not renew their STNK.

"In the future, especially for four-wheeled motorized vehicles, all of them must have passed the emission test, only to be able to extend the STNK. Our target, God willing, by the end of this year, we can start applying for the extension of the vehicle, it must have passed the emission test," said Asep when met in the area. Ancol, North Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5.

The ban on vehicle registration extensions for cars that have not passed the emission test is the result of coordination with the Samsat Polda Metro Jaya.

The STNK data integration for vehicles that have not passed the emission test is carried out by the DKI Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) and the police.

"We hope that it can be done, because our data, data on vehicles that have been tested for emissions, are already connected to Samsat data," said Asep.

Asep said this policy was carried out because the achievement of vehicles that had carried out emission tests was still low. This is also the reason that fines for vehicles that do not pass the emission test cannot be enforced.

The number of vehicles in Jakarta, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) per 2021 reached 21 million. Meanwhile, at the end of June, there were only 649,000 cars and 58,000 motorcycles that had carried out emission tests.

Therefore, the prohibition on extending the STNK for cars that have not passed the emission test is expected to increase the number of vehicles carrying out emission tests as long as the ticket sanctions have not been in effect.

"Indeed, we want to apply fines against vehicles because without strict sanctions, the implementation of emission tests has not become a priority for residents," he added.

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