
SURABAYA - The Surabaya Tanjung Perak Port Police arrested two suspects with the initials ZA (29) and P (45) in connection with the distribution of methamphetamine. The two perpetrators were arrested when they were about to send 3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from Madura to Pandaan, Pasuruan Regency.

"The two perpetrators are all residents of Lumajang, we detained them on Jalan Kedung Cowek, Tambak Sari District, Surabaya, last Thursday," said Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya Police Chief AKBP Anton Elfrino Trisanto in Surabaya, Monday, July 4.

According to Anton, the disclosure of the drug trafficking was after information received from the public. Chronologically, the suspects ZA and P were ordered by S (DPO) to take the illicit goods in Madura.

"The two suspects ZA and P were then connected to the person who was going to take the methamphetamine, who is usually called Juragaan (DPO), and they claimed to know S (DPO)," he said.

Furthermore, the two suspects, ZA and P, were guided by the skipper, to depart from the Malang Toll Road to Surabaya. They were directed to get off at the Perak toll road, then head to Suramadu on the Madura side.

"But in the middle of the trip ZA was contacted by the skipper to return to Surabaya, because there were problems or it was postponed the next day. Then the suspect ZA was ordered to look for lodging at one of the Kalimantan Hotels, Jalan Ampel Surabaya," he said.

The next day at around 10.30 WIB, Thursday 30 June 2022, suspects ZA and P were ordered by the skipper to return to the Bangkalan District Hospital, precisely on the side of the road east of the Bangkalan Madura District Hospital.

About half an hour later, someone riding a motorcycle approached ZA and P's car and threw a black plastic bag which was suspected to be methamphetamine into the perpetrator's car.

"After being opened by the perpetrators, there were three packs of green Chinese tea which were then stored on the right side of the dashboard," he said.

According to Anton, the two suspects, ZA and P, planned to send the methamphetamine to the Pandaan toll road and then get off Purwosari, then head to the Purwosari T-junction towards Pasuruan City. Arriving in Surabaya, the police managed to intercept the perpetrator on Jalan Kedung Cowek.

"They admitted that they had not received the promised profit, the two suspects only received an operational money transfer of Rp. 1,700,000, and the money was used by the two suspects to buy fuel, E-toll, pay for lodging and meals, then the remaining money was Rp. 300,000. " he said.

Anton said that currently his party is still looking for other perpetrators. From the hands of the two suspects, ZA and P, the police seized 3,037 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, an ATM, Rp300,000 in cash, two mobile phones, and a white Daihatsu Terios car.

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