
JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said he would impose the strictest sanctions on travel that does not provide Hajj services according to regulations.

"We will give the strictest sanctions because we are not allowed to play with people's fate, playing with people's worship desires is a big sin," said the Minister of Religion in Mecca as quoted by Antara, Monday, July 4.

The Minister of Religion's statement was in response to a case related to the repatriation of 46 prospective hajj pilgrims on mujamalah visas. Previously, there was information about dozens of hajj candidates being detained at Jeddah's King Abdul Azis International Airport on Thursday, June 30.

They previously boarded a Garuda Indonesia plane and arrived in Jeddah on Thursday at 23:20 Saudi Arabian time.

The company that dispatched the unofficial (non-quota) furoda pilgrims was PT Alfatih Indonesia Travel. This company is located in Bandung, West Java, not registered with the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

Previously, the Director General of Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Hilman Latief said as many as 46 furoda Hajj candidates who used unofficial visas and were detained in Jeddah, had been returned to the country.

"There were pilgrims who were stranded in Jeddah yesterday, they are in good health and have returned to Indonesia," said Hilman.

Hilman said the 46 people had worn ihram clothes but did not go through the Special Hajj Organizers (PIHK), not travel that usually sends special pilgrims.

Hilman reminded the public that choosing a company that dispatches pilgrims must be officially registered.

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