
JAKARTA - The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI) together with the World Medical Association (World Medical Association) held a Symposium on the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) in collaboration with the World Medical Association. This symposium is the opening of a series of World Medical Association conferences that will take place Monday-Tuesday (4-5 July) in Jakarta.

Taking the theme "How Indonesian Medical Association (Indonesian Doctors Association) and Worldwide Medical Organizations Standardize Medical Ethics and Professionalism", this symposium focuses on medical ethical issues in today's world.

"The Ministry of Health has committed to transforming the health system, so that everyone has easy and quality access to health services at affordable costs, both in primary and referral services." said Ir Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesian Minister of Health in his remarks at the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) Symposium organized by PB IDI and WMA, Sunday, July 3.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of PB IDI, Dr. M Adib Khumaidi, said that the synergy and collaboration between IDI and WMA had been going on since the two organizations were founded and IDI from the past until today is the only member of WMA who is recognized and represents Indonesia.

This collaboration, he continued, is not only related to international medical ethical issues, but also in all matters related to medicine and the medical world. WMA and government support for IDI is very meaningful for this professional organization so that IDI can continue to develop and carry out the state mandate to maintain the quality of doctors and medical services solely for the benefit of the people.

“The World Medical Association (WMA) has developed an International Code of Medical Ethics as a canon of ethical principles for members of the medical profession worldwide. In accordance with the WMA Geneva Declaration: The Physician's Pledge, which defines and defines the professional duties of physicians towards their patients, other physicians and healthcare professionals, themselves, and society as a whole.” said Adib Khumairi.

This symposium presented a number of speakers from Indonesia and International. Among them are WMA Secretary General Dr Otmar Kloiber, WMA Treasurer Prof Ravindra who is also studying telemedicine medical ethics, Dr Ramin Parsa-Parsi who is the initiator of the amendment to the Geneva declaration and the International Code of Medical Ethics which is currently being revised, and Prof Urban Wiesing who is part of initiator of the Declaration of Helsinki which is currently the reference for all research ethics committees around the world, including Indonesia.

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