National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Opens Room For Criticism To Continue To Make Improvements
National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo. (Photo: Doc. Antara)


JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that the Bhayangkara Corps is committed to opening up space for the public to give criticism. So, the Police will improve to be better.

"We certainly try to improve ourselves, open up space for criticism. So, we know where we are and what we have to improve," said Sigit at The Tribrata Building, South Jakarta, Friday, July 1, evening.

According to this four-star general, criticism, suggestions or input from the public is an energy source for the Police. Sigit likens it to a medicine that is bitter but healthy.

"The pill is bitter, but, we have to eat it so that then we can become healthy to make this organization or institution good, so it can be trusted and then the public can accept and be satisfied with the services provided by the police," said Sigit.

Regarding the Hoegeng Awards, Sigit said the figure of former National Police Chief General (Ret.) Hoegeng Iman Santoso should be used as a role model and role model by all police personnel in Indonesia. Especially, about his honesty and dedication to the Police and the state.

"Pak Hoegeng is a role model. I and we all agree that Pak Hoegeng is for us one of the role models, one of the Police assets that we have to date. Of course he is very legendary as a role model, as an example in his time," he said.

The existence of the Hoegeng Awards is also a reflection that there are still many honest police officers. In fact, 67,000 police officers were proposed by the public to win the Hoegeng Awards.

"So then, we can really become the Police who are the hope of the community, because we really need support, we need criticism, we need a bitter pill to be better. Thank you and congratulations to our colleagues. And I'm sure Hoegeng will grow up We will continue to instill the new spirit and exemplary spirit of Hoegeng in our hearts and it becomes our spirit to continue to be better, "said Sigit.

It is known, at the 2022 Hoegeng Awards, the award was won by three exemplary police figures. Namely;

Dedicated Police

- Kanit Binmas Muara Gembong Police Aipda Rohimah

Innovative Police

- Wakapolda Papua Brigadier General Eko Rudi Sudarto

Police with Integrity

- Kapolda Gorontalo Inspector General Akhmad Wiyagus

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