JAKARTA - The mass protest action of the Prophet 211 started a series of rallies against French President Macron. A number of flags were hoisted including one featuring a photo of Rizieq Shihab.
Based on VOI monitoring, Monday, November 2, the action commando leader sang a selawat which was followed by the protesters. Some of them raised their palms together and the rest waved their flags.
One could see that one of them was flying a large enough flag. The flag, which is predominantly green, features Rizieq Shihab.
In addition, the flag, which is estimated to be 2X1 meters in size, is also written with a sentence stating that Rizieq Shihab is their high priest.
"Alhabib Muhammad Rizieq Bin Husen Syihab," was written on the flag.
The demonstration at the French Embassy (Embassy) was carried out by elements of Islamic organizations. This action was aimed at criticizing the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. Because, Macron is considered to have insulted Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The insult was because Macron had insulted Islam and defended the publication of the controversial caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.

A total of 7,766 joint personnel from the TNI, Polri, and Regional Government (Pemda) were deployed to guard the demonstration in Jakarta. There are two rallies taking place today.
The first demonstration was carried out by a number of workers' elements around the State Palace. They demanded the government to cancel the ratification of the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law.
The second action was carried out by a number of Islamic organizations in front of the French embassy building. They criticized the statement of the French President which was deemed insulting the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
"7,766 personnel were deployed entirely at two points and cut off the road diversion if needed," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Monday, November 2.
The thousands of combined personnel is not the total number. Because there are still thousands of other personnel who are reserved.
These reserve personnel are deployed at two locations. They will only be deployed if the situation and conditions are considered out of control.
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