Not Accepting Being Stopped For Going Against The Flow In Kampung Melayu, Upset Student Seizes Police Gun
Capture the video screen of a student bickering with the police in Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta


JAKARTA - A student motorcyclist was involved in an argument against the police because they did not accept being taken action against traffic flow under the Kampung Melayu Flyover, Jatinegara, East Jakarta, Thursday, June 30.

Suddenly, the incident caught the attention of residents and other motorists passing by the location. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist continued to defend himself by arguing with the police.

"I know the officers, don't want to win alone," said the woman who was driving the motorbike at the location.

The woman with the initials HFR (23) continues to curse members of the police because she does not accept being reprimanded while fighting against the current from Jatinegara to Tebet, South Jakarta. The student also kicked, hit and bit the officer's right hand.

As a result, officers were injured. In fact, the student had hit the officer and tried to grab a police weapon. Even so, members of the Police Ipda Rano remained calm and did not fight back when they were abused by the perpetrators.

"Is it wrong to go the opposite direction, is it wrong to go the other way?" said Ipda Rano repeatedly to the student at the location.

To avoid the crowd, the police finally took the perpetrator to the Women and Children Protection Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police.

Meanwhile, according to Yani, one of the eyewitnesses, the incident occurred around 8 am. The woman crossed from the direction of Tebet going to Jatinegara, in the opposite direction.

"They were stopped by the police, but the police were hit. The police (had) been beaten with blood on their lips. It's really bad. The person (the perpetrator) is still young," Yani told reporters.

Even Yani said that the perpetrator had tried to pull the police weapon but was detained by the police.

"Police's weapons were pulled but the police detained them. Here they often go in opposite directions, they are told they don't accept them," he said.

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