
PAPUA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, said that the plan to form new autonomous regions (DOB) is an effort from the government to get closer to the community.

According to JK, Papua is a very large area, but the infrastructure in the area is not sufficient for the local community.

"This is Papua, which is very large and with infrastructure that is not easy. With this difficult infrastructure system, of course the government must be closer to the people," said JK after inaugurating the Papuan Provincial Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) at the Governor's Office State Building, Papua, Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

In addition, he added, efforts to establish new autonomous regions in Papua are also a way to speed up public services for the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

"So it's really to speed up service to the community," said the PMI general chairman.

Commission II of the DPR RI and the Government have agreed on three Draft Laws (RUU) on the Establishment of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua to be brought to the second decision-making level or plenary meeting.

The three Papua New Guinea Bills are the South Papua Province Bill, the Central Papua Province Bill, and the Mountainous Papua Province Bill. The agreement to bring the three new autonomous regions bills into the first-level discussion was carried out in a working meeting at Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/6).

The first-level decision-making working meeting was attended by the Minister of Finance, the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency, the Head of the Information and Geospatial Agency, the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, and the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

Meanwhile, Tuesday (28/6), Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Junimart Girsang in his report said the three new autonomous regions bills were based on the mandate of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua.

Article 76 paragraph (2) states that the Government and the DPR can divide provincial, district and city regions into autonomous regions to accelerate equitable development, improve public services and public welfare, and raise the dignity of the indigenous Papuans (OAP).

The division takes into account the political, administrative, legal, unitary, socio-cultural aspects, readiness of human resources, basic infrastructure, economic capacity, future developments, and/or the aspirations of the Papuan people.

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