
JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said that the Chinatown Tourism Village of Glodok, West Jakarta, has a strong storynomics tourism because of the acculturation of Chinese, Sundanese, Betawi, and Javanese cultures.

"I see that the Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village has the potential as a cultural and historical tourist attraction. Earlier we have seen various dance performances from Betawi, wushu, and others. This village has storynomics, namely stories that will be able to attract tourists," said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno , in a written statement, Tuesday, June 28.

This tourist village, located in Taman Sari District, Glodok Regency, West Jakarta, is one of the tourist villages included in the top 50 of the 2022 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI).

In this village, tourists will be spoiled with buildings that have unique architecture and Chinese ornaments. Starting from Pancoran Chinatown Point -- a new destination and historical strategic place in the City Center, which combines classic-elegant residential buildings, with commercial areas as well as thematic Citywalks and Malls.

There is also Gang Gloria, which is one of the hawker centers in the Pancoran-Glodok area, Jakarta.

And the most famous, there is Petak Six, a culinary tourism spot in Glodok, to be precise at the Chandra Glodok Building.

The Petak Six building also has a unique design and architecture because it has a Chinese nuance with red lanterns and Chinese ornaments.

In addition, this Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village also has unique arts that are no less interesting, such as Tanjidor; Ondel Ondel; Beksi Silat; Lion Dance. And a variety of cultures that attract the attention of tourists, including Cap Go Meh, Candra Naya; and the Toa Se Bio Temple.

Menparekraf also visited "Toa Se Bio" which is one of the temples in the Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village to see the Tang Sin treatment ritual, which is a traditional spiritual treatment that takes place during Cap Go Meh and the Birthday of Toa Se Bio Temple. He also did Fang sen or bird release with a total of 53 tails.

"I hope that the strong cultural diversity in this village can attract tourist visits, so that it will be able to become an opportunity for economic revival, open up business opportunities, and provide the widest possible employment opportunities," said the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy.

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