
JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the West Java Police has arrested five people suspected of mixing subsidized LPG in Cileungsi, Bogor Regency.

The Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Pol. Ibrahim Tompo, said that the disclosure began with the discovery of three suspects with the initials RP, LMP, and SMS who were transferring the contents of 3 kilograms of LPG to 12 kilograms of LPG cylinders.

"They were caught red-handed transferring the contents of gas into a 12-kilogram canister, after that we conducted further investigations and arrested two suspects with the initials AS and HS, bringing the total perpetrators of the mixing to five people," said Ibrahim quoting Antara, Tuesday, June 28.

Ibrahim explained that initially the perpetrators bought a number of gas cylinders containing 3 kilograms from a number of distributors. To fill the 12 kilogram cylinder, according to him, the perpetrators need to buy 4 3 kilogram gas cylinders for IDR 72 thousand.

After that, he continued, the perpetrators sold 12 kilograms of oplosan gas cylinders for Rp. 120,000. Then they sold the 12 kilogram tube to various regions, from Jakarta, Bogor, to Subang.

In one day, said Ibrahim, the perpetrators can mix up 80 gas cylinders of 12 kilograms so that in one month the perpetrators can earn around Rp. 115 million.

"So there is a difference that is the advantage of the transfer," said Ibrahim.

Meanwhile, Deputy Director of the Ditreskrimsus Polda West Java AKBP Roland Ronaldy said the perpetrators had been running an illegal business since March 2022. The action, he said, was in accordance with the order of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"This is to support saving the government's subsidy program in the LPG sector," said Roland.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator is suspected of Article 55 paragraph 5 concerning Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation on the Amendment to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 22 of 2002 concerning Oil and Gas and Article 62 in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph 1 letter C of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. They face up to six years in prison.

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