
TANGERANG - Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, spoke about the statement from the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, who said that poor air quality in the capital area was caused by air pollution around Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi).

According to him, to solve the problem, he asked each regional head to sit down together. So they don't accuse each other of contributing to air pollution.

"It could be, from the indicator engine which is dusty, so if there is no pollution, the air quality is still bad, because it is not cleaned. So, it's better if we sit down together to solve this problem," said Zaki, Monday, June 27.

On that occasion, Zaki said that Tangerang Regency itself would take steps to increase Green Open Space (RTH).

"(Tangerang Regency) improves poor air quality, one of which is by increasing Green Open Space," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Basawedan, admitted that the air quality in Jakarta was poor. However, Anies stated that his party had tried to reduce air pollution.

One of the measures taken is the provision of sanctions to companies that do pollution. He gave an example, currently the DKI Provincial Government has revoked the environmental permit for PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) activities because it was proven to pollute coal dust in the Marunda Flats.

"When in Marunda, a company carried out activities that resulted in air pollution, on Monday it was forbidden to operate again. The provincial government's action is firm. What is important is that we show who did it and take action," said Anies in the National Monument area, Wednesday, June 22.

However, Anies believes that the source of air pollution in Jakarta does not only come from the capital city itself, but also in the buffer zone. Likewise with air pollution in Jakarta which will also spread to outside areas.

Therefore, Anies hopes that the government in buffer areas such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi will also take similar firm actions against companies that pollute the air.

"We hope that in various areas, because the impact of the air is not only in Jakarta, this action is necessary if necessary to terminate the operation permit because it interferes with public health," said Anies.

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