
JAKARTA - A total of 200 cattle in North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), East Kalimantan, have been insured through the Cattle/Buffalo Business Insurance Program (AUTSK), so that they will receive a compensation of Rp. 10 million if something happens to the cows.

"The risks covered by this insurance are cows that die due to disease, die in an accident, die due to calving, and are lost due to being stolen," said Head of Livestock and Animal Health at the PPU Regency Agriculture Office, Arief Murdyatno, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, June 26.

In this AUTSK Program, the cost of the insurance policy per cow is Rp. 200,000 per year, but in this case the farmer is only obliged to pay a premium of Rp. 40,000 per head, the remaining Rp. 160,000 is subsidized by the central government.

He considered this to be very helpful in providing a sense of security in raising livestock, because the AUTSK Program is an effort by the government to ensure the peace of farmers while cultivating their livestock, both cows and buffalo, so that farmers do not worry about their livestock dying or missing.

According to him, the party appointed by the government to manage the livestock insurance program in PPU Regency is PT Jasindo (Jasa Indonesia) which has an office in Balikpapan City.

The implementation of this program refers to Law Number 19 of 2013 concerning Protection and Empowerment of Farmers, then Minister of Agriculture Regulation (Permentan) Number 40 or Permentan/SR.230/7/2015 concerning Facilitation of Agricultural Insurance.

The criteria for cows that can be insured are female cows, at least 1 year of age and productive, in good health, having an ear-taq identity that is registered at most 15 heads/NIK/year, and photos of cattle using identification.

Ear-tag is an identifier that is attached to the earlobe on the right or left side of livestock, so that it has a certain code according to the wishes of the breeder. For the installation of ear-tags can be done on livestock at the age of 2-3 days after birth.

Actually, continued Arief, this year his party is targeting as many as 500 cows in PPU that are insured.

However, he is still grateful because there have been 200 cows, so from the hundreds of heads it is expected to be a trigger for other farmers to register their cows in the AUTSK Program.

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