Two Days Opened, 16 Parties Register For Sipol Accounts In 2024 Election: Seven Political Parties Have Never Been Participants In Legislative Elections
Screenshot of the Political Party Information System (Sipol) website. (Photo: Sipol KPU)


JAKARTA - RI General Elections Commission (KPU) member Idham Holik said that currently there are 16 political parties that have registered Political Party Information System (Sipol) accounts. Sipol has been open since Friday, June 24 or two days ago.

Based on the recording as of Saturday, May 25 at 20.00 WIB, the political parties that have registered include those that have passed to parliament in the 2019 Election, political parties participating in the 2019 Election, to parties that have not yet participated in the election.

"There are four political parties participating in the 2019 General Election that exceed PT, five political parties participating in the 2019 Legislative Election do not exceed PT, and seven political parties that have never participated in the 2019 Legislative Election. So, the total number of political parties that already have a Sipol account is 16 political parties," Idham said. journalists, Sunday 26 June.

The parties that have registered the account include the Golkar Party, the Indonesian Bhinneka Party, the People's Conscience Party, the Crescent Star Party, the Swara People's Party of Indonesia, the People's Party for Justice and Prosperity, and the Indonesian Unity Party.

Then the Nasdem Democratic Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, the Indonesian Solidarity Party, the Justice and Unity Party, the Ummat Party, the Indonesian People's Wave Party, the Nusantara Awakening Party, and the Pandu Bangsa Party.

For information, Sipol is a system to facilitate political parties in administering the registration, verification, and determination of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election.

In this case, political parties will enter data online on the official website related to required documents such as political party profiles, party membership, party management, to permanent party offices.

The KPU gives the opportunity for political parties to access political parties from today until the registration period for political parties closes on August 14, 2022. Meanwhile, the opening of registration for political parties itself is scheduled to start on August 1 for 14 days.

Furthermore, Idham said that political parties participating in the 2019 election no longer needed to input data from the beginning in the Sipol. They, said Idham, only need to migrate and update data.

"The RI KPU's policy allows political parties that have participated in the 2019 election to request data migration services. This data migration process must begin with the submission of an application letter to the Indonesian KPU regarding data migration," he added.

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