
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency, Hari Nugroho, said that four underpass and flyover construction projects that were built during the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta were almost completed.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has not had much effect on the progress of work in the field. Implementers are implementing construction protocols and health protocols in preventing COVID-19 consistently," Hari said when contacted, Friday, October 30.

First, the realization of the Lenteng Agung flyover construction has now reached 91.54 percent. In principle, the main work of the flyover that has been completed is marked by paving work in the flyover area.

"Currently, we are working on landscaping, especially the work of making a garden under the flyover," said Hari.

At the Lenteng Agung flyover, the work for the pedestrian bridge (JPO) has been done for the middle span, namely making the cover. At the foot of the JPO on the west and east sides, it is still progressing the process of land acquisition.

Second, the Tanjung Barat flyover has achieved construction realization of 86.47 percent. Currently, the Tanjung Barat flyover is working on parapet work or flyover fences on the south east side of the flyover on the newly acquired land.

"In addition, we are also working on the arrangement of the park under the FO to make it look beautiful and attractive. Just like FO Lenteng Agung, there is only JPO work left because it is progressing in the process of land acquisition," he explained.

Third, the realization of the Cakung fly over construction which already has a construction progress of 84.24 percent. Currently, officers are still completing work on the flyover beam (girder) on the span that crosses the railroad tracks.

"The girder work is done by cast on the spot. This is the same as the method used on the LRT crossing the inner city toll road at the Mampang-Kuningan intersection," said Hari.

Fourth, namely the Senen underpass with construction realization of 93.2 percent. In principle, work on the tunnel structure for the Senen underpass has been completed.

"We are still completing the work on the bus stop and JPO at Simpang Senen which is a package of activities with the underpass work," said Hari.

At the moment, work is being carried out on the facing wall of the underpass with ACP material and installing the pump.

"This pump functions to drain or remove rainwater that enters the tunnel so that it is not flooded when it rains," he concluded.

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