Midwives Are Called Spearheads In The War Against Stunting Because Of This
Head of BKKBN dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG (K)/Photo: VOI


JAKARTA - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo said midwives play a strategic role in efforts to accelerate the reduction in the prevalence of stunting in children. Hasto when giving a virtual statement at the Peak of the 71st Anniversary of the Indonesian Midwives Association which was accessed online from Jakarta, Friday, June 24. He said the prevalence of stunting or stunting should decrease by around three percent per year to 14 percent by 2024. Hasto also invited IBI to participate in monitoring the 12 priority provinces consisting of seven provinces with the highest prevalence of stunting, namely NTT, West Sulawesi, Aceh, NTB, Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, and West Kalimantan. In addition, there are five major provinces with a fairly high population density, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, North Sumatra, and Banten. The BKKBN also invites all IBI members to oversee the family planning program and reduce the number of unmet need. Unmet need is the need for couples of childbearing age to have family planning but not fulfilled, in other words, the couples of childbearing age do not use contraception. , BKKBN also invites all IBI members to jointly oversee the prevention of stunting or stunting in pregnant women. "The trick is to increase understanding and knowledge about stunting in pregnant women, including prevention efforts," he said. the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women and the prevention of low birth weight during the antenatal period. "With the synergy and collaboration with all relevant parties, efforts to accelerate the reduction in the prevalence of stunting or stunting to 14 percent in 2024 will be achieved according to the expected target," he said. .

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