
JAKARTA - Former Director of Facilitation of Regional Balance Funds and Loans (FDPPD) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Marisi Parulian, said that two special staff (stafsus) of the Minister of Home Affairs asked for an editorial change in the draft consideration letter for the 2021 East Kolaka PEN loan proposal.

"East Kolaka's letter did not get the signature of the Minister of Home Affairs because the special staff had an editorial that had to be corrected, related to loan approval, so it was corrected by the staff and returned to us as managers," Marisi said while testifying at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 23.

Marisi was a witness for the defendant, former Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mochamad Ardian Noervianto, who was charged with receiving a bribe of Rp. 1.5 billion from the inactive East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya and and LM Rusdianto Emba to obtain approval for the National Economic Recovery (PEN) loan. ) for East Kolaka Regency.

"Are there any corrections from the defendants?" asked the public prosecutor (JPU) of the KPK.

"Nothing, so continue to the staff," answered Marisi

The KPK prosecutor then read out Marisi's investigation report (BAP) regarding the request for editorial changes to the request for the Minister of Home Affairs' consideration letter.

"In the BAP, you said, 'There is a request for approval of the East Kolaka Regency PEN loan in 2021, a maximum of Rp. 151 billion so that in the next draft, which has been initialed by the Section Head, Head of Sub-Division of TU, Head of Sub-Directorate and I as Director of FDPPD and Initials of Sesditjen, then signed by Director General of Regional Finance M. Ardian Noervianto on 20 September 2021, point 4 regarding approval was 'removed'. Do you know why point 4 approval was removed? Can you explain?" asked the KPK prosecutor.

"Regarding the draft consideration letter, it is necessary to correct the section on the word 'approving a loan' of Rp. 151 billion so that it is not included as directed by Mr. Stafsus to us," answered Marisi.

"What's the name of the staff?" asked the prosecutor.

"There were five of them," Marisi answered.

"Yes, who was the staff at that time?" asked the KPK prosecutor.

"Pak Apep and Pak Mahendra," answered Marisi.

The Apep in question is the Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs for Political and Network Establishment. Apep Fajar Kurniawan and Mahendra are the Special Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs for Security and Legal Affairs, Inspector General of Police. Sang Made Mahendra Jaya.

"You said there was a directive to be removed?" asked the prosecutor.

"If there is a directive to be removed from the staff, it will automatically pass from the Director General," Marisi replied.

"What did the Director General say?" asked the prosecutor.

"We are adjusting to the direction of editorial improvement," answered Marisi.

According to Marisi, as a condition for obtaining a PEN loan, the regional government needs a letter of consideration from the Minister of Home Affairs, the process is to ask for the initials of the FDPPD sub-directorate followed by the initials of the Director General of Regional Financial Balance, then the initials of the legal bureau, then the initials of the Inspector General, the initials of the secretary general of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the initials of the staff of the Minister of Home Affairs, only to receive a sign. the hand of the Minister of Home Affairs.

Marisi also explained that there was a draft consideration letter from two local governments, namely from Wajo and Enrekang regencies, South Sulawesi, which Ardian did not sign.

"In the BAP, you said that Ardian Noervianto as the Director General had never signed the concept of the Minister of Home Affairs' consideration letter to the PEN proposal that I submitted, namely the first around the end of 2020 for the concept of the Enrekang Regional Government PEN loan letter. Ardian did not want to put his initials. I don't know the reason, and the letter The statement was not returned to us. At that time we tried to propose it again but it was still not signed, "said the prosecutor reading Marisi's BAP.

Second, based on Marisi's BAP which was read by the prosecutor, around mid-2021, Marisi also submitted a draft of the Minister of Home Affairs' consideration letter to the Bone Government and Ardian also refused to give his initials.

"I don't know the reason. However, the letter was only kept and not handed down to us again. At that time I tried to re-propose but it was still not signed. I don't know why Ardian didn't sign the draft letter Bone and he never explained to me why doesn't he want to sign it. However, because he has the authority to sign or not, I as the executor cannot force him as the leader to sign', is this BAP correct?" said the prosecutor.

"Yes, that's right," answered Marisi.

For this answer, Ardian said that at that time he asked Marisi to investigate the alleged sale of Ardian's name.

"Why did I delay Bone? Because I asked the Director to help investigate because there were allegations of selling my name, asking for a fee, maybe the Director forgot," said Ardian.

"Regarding Bone, I don't know, what I do know is that (Kabupaten) Wajo said there was a request for 2.5 percent," said Marisi.

On the alleged 2.5 percent request submitted by the Wajo Regency, Marisi had asked Ardian directly and Ardian denied it.

The indictment stated that the Head of the Muna Regency Environmental Service, La Ode M. Syukur Akbar, the Head of the Muna Regency Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency, on June 10, 2021, met Ardian at the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ardian asked La Ode for 1% of the proposal for a letter of consideration from the Minister of Home Affairs for a loan. East Kolaka PEN.

At this request, East Kolaka Regent Andi Merya asked her husband Mujeri Dachri Muchlis to transfer Rp2 billion to the account of Rusdianto Emba (a businessman who is also the younger brother of the Muna Regent).

Ardian then gave priority to discussing it in a technical coordination meeting with PT SMI, the East Kolaka Regency Government, the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs, which resulted in the East Kolaka Regency getting a PEN fund loan of Rp. 151 billion.

Ardian then issued and signed a letter addressed to the Minister of Home Affairs through the Secretary General Number: 979/6187/Keuda on September 14, 2021 regarding the Consideration of the Proposed National Export Development Loan for the East Kolaka Regency FY 2021 which basically stated that the East Kolaka Regional Government was considered to be able to receive the loan. maximum of Rp. 151 billion that Andi Merya has submitted since June 14, 2021.

In addition, Ardian also initials the draft letter to be signed by the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the Consideration of Regional Loans on September 13, 2021, which is addressed to the Minister of Finance cq the Director General of Fiscal Balance as a condition for granting PEN Fund loans.

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