
JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil accompanied Habib Muhammad Luthfi bin Yahya to visit the Baitul Ridwan Islamic Center in Cimaung, Bandung, West Java. Both made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril.

When entering the tomb area, Ridwan Kamil was seen right behind the member of the Presidential Advisory Council. Ridwan Kamil covered Habib Lutfi's head so that he would not be stung by the intense sunlight that afternoon.

On the folding chairs they both sat down. Their hands are raised as a sign of prayer being said. Their eyes were fixed on Eril's grave. Atalia Praratya, wife of Ridwan Kamil, also took part in praying.

This was known through Ridwan Kamil's latest post. Ridwan Kamil also included a video to complete his upload on Twitter.

"Alhamdulillah, the grave of the late Ananda Eril, yesterday was visited and prayed for by Habib Muhammad Lutfi bin Yahya," wrote Ridwan Kamil on his Twitter account, @ridwankamil, Monday, June 20.

Ridwan Kamil also expressed his gratitude for the willingness of Habib Lutfi and the community to visit the grave of his first son.

"Thank you also to all who are willing to come to pray. Jazakallah," he said.

As is known, Habib Lutfi accompanied by Ridwan Kamil and his wife made a pilgrimage to Eril's grave which is in the Baitul Ridwan Islamic Center on Sunday, June 19 yesterday.

They came to the night around 14.00 WIB. A number of people are also in the location for pilgrimage.

Based on the official website of the West Java Provincial Government, Habib Luthfi read tahlil and salawat to Eril, which was followed by the people who took part in the pilgrimage. Instantly the location of Eril's funeral that afternoon became solemn.

After praying for Eril, Habib Luthfi also asked about the mosque that Kang Emil would build at the Baitul Ridwan Islamic Center as a dedication to Eril.

Ridwan Kamil is known to be building a mosque in the area near Eril's burial site. Using his own design, Ridwan Kamil announced the name of the mosque, Masjid Al Mumtadz, when Eril was buried on Monday, June 13.

In Arabic, Al Mumtadz means "the best". The name of this mosque resembles the last name of his son, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril.

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