
JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency has reminded traditional fishermen to be wary of high waves in the southern part of the Sunda Strait.

"The alert warning is to avoid marine accidents," said Head of the Lebak Regency BPBD Emergency and Logistics Section Agus Reza Faisal in Lebak, Sunday.

Based on information from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), it is estimated that the probability of high wave heights in the southern part of the Sunda Strait on 19-20 June 2022 is 2.5-4.0 meters with wind speeds of 5-15 knots.

The potential for high waves in these waters can pose a risk to shipping safety.

Therefore, the Lebak Regency BPBD appeals to traditional fishermen, tourists, and the public to always be alert to the bad weather.

Traditional fishing voyages using cruising boats with outboard motors and barges are not strong when the wave height is 4 meters with a wind speed of 26 knots.

Likewise, tourists and the public should not do swimming activities around the beach, for fear of being dragged by high waves.

"We ask fishermen, tourists, and the public to remain vigilant when carrying out fishing activities in the southern part of the Sunda Strait, which faces the waters of the Indian Ocean," he said as quoted by Antara.

BPBD Lebak asked fishermen from Binuangeun Beach, Tanjung Panto Beach, Bagedur Beach, Suka Rain Beach, Cihara Beach, Panggarangan Beach, Bayah Beach, Pulomanuk Beach and Sawarna Beach to be alert to the bad weather.

So far, the waters of the southern part of the Sunda Strait are less friendly with high waves reaching 4 meters.

"We hope that with vigilance it will not cause a marine accident," he explained.

Head of the Binuangeun Fish Landing Base (PPI) of Lebak Regency, Ahmad Hadi, admitted that his party had received information about bad weather that hit the southern part of the Sunda Strait, in addition to high waves accompanied by rain and strong winds.

He also appealed to traditional fishermen scattered in 11 fish auction places (TPI) not to go to sea to avoid accidents.

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