
Central Java - Pekalongan City Government received 1,712 letters of recommendation for the poor from their residents to apply for a number of social assistance (bansos). The data was taken from the Integrated Referral Service Letter (SLRT) for the period January to May 2022.

Head of the Social Service, Population Control and Family Planning (Dinsos-P2KB) Pekalongan City, Yos Rosyidi, said that the proposal for submitting the social assistance could be done online or offline.

"For proposals for submitting letters of recommendation for the poor that are made online, the public can register through the application owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos), namely at or the application developed by the local Social Service through the Information System for Proposals for Social Assistance (Siulan Bansos), " he said in Pekalongan, Central Java (Central Java), quoted from Antara, Friday, June 17.

Likewise, proposals for submitting letters of recommendation for the poor that are carried out offline, he said, only need residents to come to the local kelurahan which will later be served through the Social Health Center (Puskesos) by bringing photocopies of family cards, identity cards, and RT cover letters.

He said that the submission of a letter of recommendation for social assistance which was carried out online or offline could be served directly through the kelurahan, where later there would be kelurahan facilitator officers who were ready to help if they encountered problems.

"However, if the public wants to come directly to the Dinsos-P2KB of Pekalongan City, they will be served at the secretariat of the integrated referral service letter," he added.

To facilitate the service of an integrated referral service letter, his party is also preparing the Raperda SLRT which is currently in the finalization stage and only a plenary meeting is left.

The submissions for 1,721 letters of recommendation for the poor to receive the social assistance program include the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), and the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP).

"Of this number, it is dominated by 763 letters of KIS, 390 letters of KIP, 285 letters of PKH, and 283 letters of BPNT," he said.

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