
PENAJAM - A resident was found dead after being reportedly attacked by a crocodile in the Mentawir Village area, Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

"Last night he was found dead," said the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Penajam Paser Regency, Marjani in Penajam, Antara, Thursday, June 16.

According to him, BPBD received a report regarding the crocodile attack that occurred in Sepaku on Tuesday, June 14 afternoon. According to reports, a resident of Benuang Village named Kamaruddin (37) was attacked by a crocodile while looking for bait to fish in the waters of Mentawir Village.

"Before going fishing, based on the information of two of his colleagues, they first looked for bait around the coast of the Lop Estuary in Mentawir Village. The victim looked for bait by diving in the Lop River Estuary," he said.

However, he continued, the victim did not come to the surface after about 10 minutes of diving and then the two companions of the victim saw the victim's body appear in the middle of the river mouth in a state of crocodile attack.

After receiving a report about the incident, BPBD sent a team to look for victims in the river area where he was reportedly attacked by a crocodile. The team conducted a search with the support of 20 wooden boats and seven boats belonging to residents.

Search efforts have yielded no results on Tuesday, so they continued on Wednesday.

On Wednesday night, a resident who was assisting the search effort found the victim's body after smelling a foul odor at the search site upstream of the river.

Marjani said that according to residents' information, there was a large crocodile at the location where the victim's body was found.

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