
JAKARTA - A member of the Gerindra faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Syarif admitted that he was surprised when he heard DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan stated that Formula E which was held last June 4 disappointed pessimistic people.

According to Syarif, the satire aimed at the group of critics is not like the character Anies he knows.

"Now that Pak Anies says that, I'm surprised to hear that. What's wrong, huh? It's not like Pak Anies usually does that," Syarif told reporters, Tuesday, June 14.

The deputy chairman of the Jakarta Gerindra Party DPD thinks that Anies' satire can make the political situation more unfavorable. Moreover, since the beginning of the plan to hold Formula E, there have been pros and cons from a number of parties.

"I once said that reporting on Formula E was more political than racing. If I follow the sequence backwards, I continue to respond to those who are against Formula E. But this time, why did Mr. Anies say such a sentence. I was surprised, "said he.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan gave a satire expression to certain parties regarding the implementation of Formula E. With a subtle satire, Anies apologized if this electric car racing event disappointed people who were previously pessimistic about this racing title.

This was conveyed by Anies in the national working meeting (rakernas) I Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah at the Mercure Hotel, Ancol, North Jakarta on Friday, June 10 and aired on the UMTC Channel YouTube account.

Initially, Anies assumed that if the National Working Meeting of Islamic mass organizations was held a week earlier, then the time would be close to the implementation of Formula E which was also held in Ancol.

Anies alluded to the implementation of Formula E which was considered disappointing by pessimistic people.

"I apologize to some (people) because yesterday's Formula E was disappointing, disappointing people who were pessimistic could happen," said Anies.

Suddenly there was laughter from the National Coordination Meeting participants who heard this statement. From this statement, participants understood that Anies viewed the Formula E event as a success. Meanwhile, people who are pessimistic about him get disappointed about it.

"The pessimist is very disappointed. Sorry to disappoint. We really want to make everyone happy, I see," he continued.

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