
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned Lasmi Indaryani as a witness in the investigation into the alleged corruption case in the Banjarnegara Regency Government, Central Java in 2019-2021. Lasmi is the son of the suspected inactive Banjarnegara Regent, Budhi Sarwono (BS) who sits as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Democratic Party.

"Today, the examination of witnesses for corruption in the Banjarnegara Regency Government in 2019-2021 for the suspect BS and his friends. The examination was carried out at the Central Java Prosecutor's Office, Semarang City, Central Java," said Acting KPK Spokesperson Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Tuesday. , June 14.

Apart from Lasmi, the KPK also summoned three other witnesses for the suspect Budhi. Namely, Kasman from the private sector/PT Daya Samudera Cipta Mandiri, Mistar as a driver for PT Bumi Redjo/President Director of PT Sutikno Tirta Kencana, and Sartono from the private sector/quality control staff of PT Agung Darma Intra.

Budhi was named a suspect in a case of alleged corruption related to the procurement of goods or services at the Banjarnegara Regency Government in 2019-2021 and receiving gratuities.

The KPK has not been able to convey about Budhi's role, case construction, or the alleged article. Currently, the KPK investigation team is collecting evidence through summoning and examining witnesses. On March 15, 2022, the KPK has also named Budhi as a suspect in the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU).

This determination is a development of a corruption case participating in chartering, procurement, or leasing at the PUPR Office of the Banjarnegara Regency Government, Central Java, in 2017-2018 and receiving gratuities.

In that case, it is suspected that there were efforts or actions to hide or disguise the origin of assets originating from criminal acts of corruption, such as being spent in the form of various assets, both movable and immovable.

In addition, the KPK has also confiscated assets worth Rp. 10 billion, which allegedly belonged to the suspect Budhi in the money laundering case.

Then on Thursday (9/6), Budhi was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Semarang, Central Java, related to cases of alleged bribery and gratuities in various projects that allegedly involved three of his companies from 2017 to 2018.

In addition, the judge also handed down a sentence in the form of a fine of Rp. 700 million, which if not paid, it will be replaced with imprisonment for 6 months.

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