
JAKARTA - The National SAR Agency (Basarnas) team evacuated the body of an eight-year-old child who was previously reported to have drowned while bathing in Krueng (river) Aceh, Banda Aceh City.

The head of the Banda Aceh Basarnas, Budiono, in Banda Aceh, said that the victim was reported to have drowned and disappeared while bathing in Krueng Aceh, Sunday, June 12 at around 11.10 WIB.

"The victim was found dead about 700 meters from the point where he was reported to have drowned, Monday (13/6) at around 12.30 WIB. Next, the victim was taken to a funeral home," Budiono said as quoted by Antara, Monday, June 13.

Previously, the victim was reported to have drowned while bathing in the river with a number of friends. The incident began when the victim and two of his friends played on the edge of the Krueng Aceh embankment.

Then, they bathe in the river. However, a friend of his forbade the victim to bathe while jumping because the victim was known to be unable to swim.

The victim kept jumping, so that he was dragged by the river current. The victim was seen a few meters from where he jumped and then disappeared, said Budiono.

"Residents aware of the incident had tried to find it, but to no avail. Furthermore, we received a missing victim from a member of the Kuta Alam Police," said Budiono.

Based on this information, said Budiono, the Banda Aceh Basarnas Office deployed a search team equipped with search tools to visit the scene.

"Searchs are also carried out by diving. Searches other than through water are also combing the riverbank. With the discovery of the victim, the search and rescue operation is stopped and the personnel involved are returned to their respective units," Budiono said.

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