
JAKARTA - The police are following up on a motorcycle theft case claiming to be TNI in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta. The head of the Cilandak Police, Kompol Multazam Lisendra, is currently looking for the whereabouts of the alleged perpetrator.

"It is true that it has been reported to the Cilandak Police. As a follow-up step, of course at this time we have carried out an investigation into the alleged perpetrator, where he is," said Multazam when confirmed, Monday, June 13.

Multazam explained that the incident began when the perpetrators became acquainted and eventually borrowed a motorbike. However, he said he did not return and was taken away by the perpetrators.

“The victim was deceived by the perpetrator who claimed to be TNI. Then the victim's vehicle was taken away, embezzled, "he said.

On that occasion, Multazam reminded his citizens to be suspicious of those who approached. Even though they claim to be law enforcement officers.

"We also hope that this incident will serve as a lesson to the public so that they should be suspicious of people who suddenly pretend to know them, want their appearance to be neat, like officers or whatever," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a man named Arpan was a victim of theft of a motorbike by a perpetrator who claimed to be a member of the TNI.

Arpan said the incident began when he was accompanying his son on Jalan Andara Raya, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Friday, June 3.

Suddenly, the perpetrators who claimed to be TNI soldiers at the Defense and Security at Pondok Labu arrived. At that time he offered Arpan a job.

"He offered me a job. "If you want to open a sales stall, just talk to me". I answered "yes sir." I said yes, I just knew his name, then he asked for my number. I gave him," said Arpan when contacted, Monday, June 13. " I gave it, chatted, came home. So he went home first, after that I did. Indeed, I saw the direction to Defense and Security (Pondok Labu), yes, I believe it, "he continued.

Arpan continued, on Saturday, June 4, the perpetrator contacted him by asking for his home address. The reason is wanting to know more closely.

"After I shared the loc, the next day I played, wearing full TNI clothes and weapons. He wants to play because he wants to have more brothers, because here there are no relatives. Say all kinds of things. He came home, "explained Arpan.

Arpan admitted that he began to have suspicions about the man who claimed to be TNI, because he kept in contacting him again as if he was the target of the perpetrators.

"How come this person is playing so smooth? I already have a bad feeling. Since he carries a gun everywhere, I'm a bit horrified too. 'This is true TNI, are you trying to steal it?' They want to take my motorbike. Because he asked for my motorbike too,” he said.

The perpetrator returned to his home on foot Tuesday, June 7th. The reason is that the four-wheeled vehicle is parked at the mini market, because the road is not suitable for cars.

"Tomorrow night he will come. He walked, claiming to bring a car. He said his car was parked in front of Indomaret. Because my house doesn't fit my car. When we got home, we chatted and joked. It doesn't take long to borrow a motorbike, go to the car, want to get something," he explained.

After he borrowed his motorbike, but never came back. Finally, the victim reported the incident to the Cilandak Police, for further action.

"He reported to the Cilandak Police," he concluded.

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