
MAMUJU - Floods submerged a number of residential areas and the trans Sulawesi road that crosses the Mamuju City, the capital of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Province.

Floods submerged the Trans Sulawesi road on the Urip Sumoharjo road which crosses the middle of Mamuju City. The road was flooded up to knee-deep in adults.

Passing vehicles could not move, because they were blocked by floods that fell after heavy rains hit Mamuju City since 15.30 WITA.

"The sudden flood has hindered residents' activities on the highway, because residents' vehicles are piled up and cannot pass quickly," said Iksan, one of the residents, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 12 night.

A number of residential areas in the Simbuang neighborhood of Mamuju City were also flooded, causing damage to household furniture.

It was even seen that a number of residents evacuated other residents who were trapped in the flood to a safe place.

"There are residents who were evacuated to be taken to safer places, to avoid things that are not desirable, because the rain has not stopped and the flood water that has submerged a number of residential areas continues to rise," said Subhan, another resident.

A number of residential areas in Mamuju City were flooded, including in the BTN Ampi area, around the Manakarra Mamuju Stadium Complex.

Then the flood submerged BTN Binanga, BTN Korongana, Jalan Hapati Hasan, in the Sese and Bambu Village neighborhoods. Floods in Mamuju occurred, due to the overflow of a number of rivers in Mamuju, such as the Mamuju river, Karema river, Bambu river and Korongana river.

Residents hope that the local government can mobilize assistance to help residents if someone needs help, such as being evacuated to a safe place because the rain has not stopped.

"The government must help the community, lest there are residents who are trapped by the flood, because it has been raining for four hours and it hasn't stopped, the water is actually rising," said Subhan.

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