
KUPANG - The Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 said there are still six urban villages in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara in the COVID-19 yellow zone category.

"There are still six kelurahan out of 51 kelurahan in Kupang City that are still in the COVID-19 yellow zone status because they have residents who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19," said Kupang City COVID-19 Task Force spokesman Ernest Ludji as quoted by Antara, Saturday. , June 11th.

Ernest Ludji said this was related to the development of the COVID-19 case in Kupang City after the implementation of free masks in open areas.

There are six villages that are still in the COVID-19 yellow zone status, namely Batu Plat Village, Bello Village, Liliba Village, Mantasi Village, Naikoten Satu Village and Oepura Village.

The positive cases of COVID-19 in the six sub-districts each had one resident who was confirmed to be exposed to COVID-19.

According to him, the six COVID-19 positive patients are still under medical treatment, namely three people in self-isolation at home and three people being treated in hospital.

"Patients are hospitalized because they have a history of congenital illness so that intensive care is needed by medical officers," said Ernest Ludji.

He hoped the residents of Kupang City would continue to use masks, especially when in a closed room to prevent exposure to COVID-19.

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