
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will follow up on President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) directive to monitor the availability and price of bulk cooking oil. Supervision is carried out from the producer to the market.

"We certainly have a task to help ensure that the entire process goes well. Mainly related to the verification of obligations from producers to ensure that bulk cooking oil production in particular is actually on the market. So that export approvals can be given," said Lisyto Sigit at the event. Business Matching People's Bulk Cooking Oil (MGCR) in Bali, Friday, June 10.

In the supervision process, the National Police will cooperate with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment as well as the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Industry.

At least 17 thousand markets will be monitored. Interim results, 10 thousand markets receive bulk cooking oil supplies on a regular basis.

"Some are sent every day, some are delivered three times a week, there are twice a week and approximately 7,000 once a week. Of course, this is what we ask to continue to improve so that the availability of bulk cooking oil is really on the market," said Sigit .

The former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit also said that he would monitor and follow the development of the price of fresh fruit bunches. Thus, it is expected that fresh fruit bunches purchased by producers can increase to be processed into Crude Palm Oil (CPO).

"Currently the prices (of fruit bunches) we observe are on average between 2,000 - 2,100 to 2,500. In 51 regions it has been numbered 2,550. We hope all farmers can get prices between 2,500 to 3,000," he said.

With all the actions taken, it is hoped that farmers and producers will get the same benefits. So, the game or the bulk cooking oil speculators will disappear.

"So we hope that farmers are prosperous, bulk cooking oil is available in the market and producers through a verification process of supervision from all relevant parties can carry out exports, which are in a position where all of their obligations have been carried out. we have monitored it. With these steps, we hope everything can go well, "said Sigit.

Not to forget, Sigit emphasized that he would not hesitate to take action against anyone who deviated. Including, repacking mode and selling at a higher price.

"Yesterday we warned about repacking, we have processed it, if this continues we will take a firm process. I think the process is like that, we remind and then we process something firmly. I ask everyone to obey what is our commitment together because oil is the most important thing "There are no problems in bulk in the community market and there are no shortages. Producers can export after their obligations are fulfilled. There will be no distorted distribution because if there is something like this, we will certainly take firm action," said Sigit.

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