
JAKARTA - The latest Indonesian Poltracking Survey places the duo Ganjar Pranowo and Erick Thohir as the candidate for the vice presidential candidate with the highest electability. Meanwhile, the electability of the candidate pair Anies-Puan is the lowest from the results of political pooling collected from 1220 Poltracking respondents.

What's interesting about the results of this poll is that Erick Thohir's electability as a vice presidential candidate remains consistent. Even the results of a survey conducted by Poltracking, Erick's name was paired with Ganjar and Prabowo Subianto who were able to maintain the electability of figures who had been championed to run as presidential candidates in the 2024 election.

Anang Sujoko, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya appreciated the results of the political pooling conducted by Poltracking. Of course, all institutions that conduct political surveys have valid procedures in carrying out their duties.

The results of the survey conducted by Poltracking, according to Anang, have shown a representation of the electability of the candidate pairs who will advance in the upcoming 2024 presidential election contestation.

"The results of the Poltracking survey already reflect the electability of potential partners if respondents are asked about their desire to choose the current presidential and vice-presidential candidates. It could be that the results of the Poltracking survey are a reflection of the desire of the majority of the public towards the presidential and vice-presidential candidates in 2024. high media exposure was captured positively by the respondents," said Anang in his written statement, quoted Friday, June 10.

Ganjar Pranowo and Erick Thohir some time ago with President Jokowi visited an industrial area in Batang. According to Anang, the familiarity of the three figures can be seen as a signal of Jokowi's support for Ganjar and Erick.

As a political figure, according to Anang, Jokowi has definitely considered and thought about the impact that will arise when he gets to know Ganjar and Erick in Batang.

"The body language of the three figures shows intimacy and closeness. It illustrates their very positive relationship. In choosing presidential and vice presidential candidates, the community will prioritize comfort for these figures. Maybe people see Ganjar Erick's potential partner as a populist figure, nurturing and comforting," explained Ana.

Before meeting with Jokowi and Ganjar, Erick Thohir also met with the general chairman and central figure of the Nasdem Party. Even Erick received praise from the General Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, as one of the young political figures who shined and had a vision.

According to Anang, this praise can be translated as Erick has entered Nasdem's radar as one of the political figures who can be promoted as vice presidential candidate for 2024. Anang admits that until now Nasdem has not determined a pair of presidential and deputy candidates for the 2024 election.

"Erick has entered the radar as a candidate who has great potential to be promoted by Nasdem. In order to be elected as an official candidate from a political party, these figures must be able to maintain and maintain electability. They must continue to show their positive performance and maintain media relations. Media is one of the one funnel to increase exposure and show positive performance to the community," concluded Anang.

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