
JAKARTA - A funny moment appeared on the Instagram account of the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. The female Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist spoke of 'matchmaking' by mentioning the name of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

Khofifah admitted that on her social media, many teenagers who talk about the love relationship between cities and provinces often run aground in the middle of the road.

Likewise on Ganjar's social media account. He said many young people also shared similar stories on the social media account of the PDI-P (PDIP) politician.

"Delivering and looking for a way out, because both on my IG and Pak Ganjar, there are many people of East Java and Central Java, especially young people who complain about inter-city inter-provincial mate (AKAP) who are unrequited," wrote Khofifah in her Instagram post, @khofifah.ip, quoted Thursday 9 June.

Khofifah also admitted that the 'AKAP matchmaking' which often failed must be found a solution. With Ganjar, the PKB politician invited a discussion to solve the problem.

"It's as strange as it turns out that love is different from the province," added Khofifah.

Completing her upload, Khofifah also included her photo with Ganjar. The photo was taken when Ganjar-Khofifah went through a routine together as regional heads.

Unexpectedly, Ganjar responded to Khofifah's upload about two hours later. In the comments column, Ganjar said he had a solution for teenagers who often failed in 'AKAP matchmaking'.

According to Ganjar, those who are single must find a mate. He also invited Khofifah in the search for a mate.

"Wkwk ready Bu Gub @khofifah.ip, we are looking for a mate for singles," said Ganjar via his Instagram account, @ganjar_pranowo.

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