
YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Regional Police (Polda) and the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace have agreed a cooperation agreement regarding the utilization of the sultanate land at the Kasatriyan Palace Complex in Yogyakarta.

The signing of the cooperation was carried out by Penghageng Kawedanan, Hageng Punakawan Dana Datu Suyasa GKR Mangkubumi and the Head of the DIY Regional Police Inspector General Pol. Asep Suhendar.

"This joint agreement was made as a form of embodiment of partnership synergism in order to meet the land needs of the Police, especially the DIY Regional Police to improve unit performance and improve services to the community in the Yogyakarta Regional Police jurisdiction," said Asep Suhendar, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 8.

He explained that most of the land owned by the Yogyakarta Sultanate, Pakualaman and village lands, which are located in the Police office and dormitory area of the Yogyakarta Regional Police.

According to the details, there are 34 plots of land for the Sultan Ground, 1 plot of land for Pakualaman Ground, 56 plots of land for the village, and 2 plots of land for the Sultan Ground which are currently in the process of submitting buttons to the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, which will be used to build mako (command headquarters). Battalion C Satbrimob Polda DIY," he explained.

The Yogyakarta Regional Police appreciates and is very grateful to the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace for providing land loans, said Asep.

"This is very helpful and supportive in carrying out the tasks of the DIY Regional Police," he added.

Meanwhile, Penghageng II Tepas Panitikisma Yogyakarta Palace KRT Surya Satrianto said the scope of the agreement included land borrowing, land use, and legal protection.

According to Surya, previously the Yogyakarta Regional Police had submitted a request for borrowing and using the Sultanate Land to the Yogyakarta Palace to support the implementation of the Yogyakarta Regional Police's operational duties as supporting facilities and facilities.

For this application, the Yogyakarta Palace, as the first party, has given permission to the DIY Regional Police, as the second party, on the request for the borrow-to-use permit.

"Nevertheless, the second party is obliged to maintain and protect the land of the Sultanate and is not allowed to transfer it to anyone and/or use it for other purposes without the permission of the Palace," said Surya.

After the permit is granted, the Yogyakarta Regional Police has the right to use or construct buildings on land loaned by the Sultanate to support the main tasks of the Police as protectors, protectors, and public servants as well as law enforcement.

"The Palace also has the right to obtain legal assistance and protection from the second party for the land assets of the Sultanate which belong to it and its power, in the context of controlling and managing all assets belonging to the first party," he said.

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