
MADIUN - The Madiun City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Team, East Java, arrested one of a number of people suspected of being the perpetrators of the sadistic murder of a retired RRI Madiun employee, Aris Budianto (58).

Madiun City Police Chief AKBP Suryono said the suspect was NS (45), a neighbor of the victim. In his daily life, the suspect works as an ice cube seller.

"Madiun City Police have secured NS. He is suspected of being the perpetrator of a recent murder," said AKBP Suryono to reporters quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 8

According to him, NS was arrested by officers in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java while hiding in his family's house.

Currently, the police are still investigating the role of the perpetrator, including the alleged romantic motive in the murder case. The perpetrators have been detained by the Madiun City Police Satreskrim team to undergo examination.

"The police are still investigating this case. Is it done alone or together with other people. Likewise with the motive," he said.

Previously, Aris Budianto (58), a resident of Jalan Sentul Gang II, Banjarejo Village, Madiun City, became a victim of a stabbing on Thursday (2/6) morning.

The man, who had just retired for a day as an employee of RRI Madiun as of June 1, 2022, was attacked by unknown people when he was about to perform the dawn prayer at the mosque around his house.

From the autopsy results carried out by expert forensic doctors at Bhayangkara Kediri Hospital, there were four wounds caused by sharp weapons, namely in the palm of the right hand, upper and lower right arm, and neck.

The victim was found by neighbors dead in a pool of blood in an alley not far from his house.

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