
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the investigation into the Khilafatul Muslimin case would continue. Currently Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja, the group's top leader, has been arrested.

"We continue to do development. We don't want things like this to develop. What is clear is that further investigations are carried out," said Listyo Sigit to reporters at the DPR building, Wednesday, June 8.

In handling the Khilafatul Muslimin case, four people were named as suspects. Apart from Abdul Qadir Hasan Baraja, there were three other people with the initials GZ, DS and AS. They were arrested in Central Java.

The National Police Chief Sigit also confirmed that the Khilafatul Muslimin case would be thoroughly investigated. That way, there will be no action from any party that violates the Pancasila ideology.

"We are currently in the process. Of course we have implemented the articles," said Sigit.

Previously, the Director of General Criminal Investigation, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, stated that the Khilafatul Muslimin was a large group. From the results of the temporary investigation, the group led by Abdul Qadir Baraja has spread to several areas.

"This organization is quite large, there are 23 regional offices, 23 regions, Sumatra, Java, including the eastern region. This means that this cannot be considered simple," said Hengki.

In addition, this group has websites and bulletins that are used as media to spread ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila. Especially for the newsletter, it is known that 80 editions have been issued.

The contents of the bulletin and website are considered to be contrary to Pancasila based on the results of a joint analysis with several experts. Starting from Islamic ideological literacy experts, linguists, criminal experts, psychologists.

However, until now development will be carried out regarding the contents of the content. That way, the crime of spreading fake news will be more open.

"We will continue to develop it because of the continuous nature of our investigation," said Hengki.

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