
JAKARTA - Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, encourages the younger generation of Indonesia to become a figure who never gives up in life.

This was conveyed by Prabowo during a scientific oration with the theme 'The Role of Indonesia in Facing Global World Changes in the Next Decade' in front of graduates of the Pancasila University, in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7.

"You may lose. If you lose, don't admit you lost. Think of it as a delayed victory. If you fall, that's normal. Fighters sometimes fall, sometimes KO. What matters is not the fall, but how you get back up," Prabowo said in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

This unyielding attitude can also be applied in lectures. For example, if you fail in an exam, students don't need to be sad. According to him, students must immediately get up to fix these failures.

"If you don't pass the exam once, don't cry. If you cry, no one likes you. Study again so you can pass. Don't look for leaks," he said.

In addition, the general chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP also conveyed to the graduates what a person needs to do if they want to achieve success.

Among them, he said, is diligently reading and continuing to hone intelligence. Prabowo believes that intelligence is not a genetic inheritance from parents to their children. Thus, each child must strive on his own to be smart.

"Don't just put a thick book on display. Sharpen your intelligence. Don't assume that intelligence is born. So, if I'm not smart, it's my parents' fault, no! You can sharpen your intelligence, as long as there is a will. You also have to be disciplined," he said.

Next, he gave an example, namely a parent --Prof Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo-- who was a former professor or professor. He said his parents were able to get the education degree because they lived a hard life.

"He does what is asked and demanded of him, then thinks positively, thinks well, and never gives up," he said.

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