
LUMAJANG - Mouth and foot disease (FMD) was detected in more than 3,000 head of cattle in Lumajang Regency, East Java. However, most of the sick animals have been declared cured.

"Despite an increase, cases of FMD in livestock in Lumajang show an improving trend because many are recovering," said Lumajang Regent Thoriqul Haq to reporters in Lumajang, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

According to him, more and more cows are recovering from thousands of cows affected by mouth and hoof disease, there are even some sub-districts that have no cases of FMD, such as in Tempursari District.

"There are more than 3,000 affected farm animals, but 1,800 have recovered and the number of animals that have died from FMD is 38," said the regent who is usually called Cak Thoriq.

He explained that his party together with the PMK Handling Task Force were trying as much as possible so that there would be no transmission of PMK in Lumajang, especially ahead of Eid al-Adha which is expected to increase demand for cattle and goats.

"I also asked for a fatwa to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) whether cows with mild symptoms can be sacrificed or not, with mild symptoms the meat is safe, but not for heavy ones," he said.

However, he continued, it is necessary to convey that the consumption of meat with PMK is safe for consumption except of the offal, head and legs, so that people do not need to worry.

To break the chain of spread of PMK cases in livestock, he continued, the Lumajang Regency Government appealed to the sale and purchase of livestock accompanied by recommendations from veterinarians and the animal market to be sprayed with disinfectant.

"I will consult with the Prosecutor's Office because it will use the unexpected budget (BTT) for disaster activities to buy drugs for this PMK and disinfectants, I also ask for consideration whether the animal market will be opened or not," he said.

Cak Thoriq gave an example of an incident in another area where the animal market was still open, where there was an acceleration of FMD transmission because there were cattle from Lumajang that were suspected of being sick there.

"We will do our best to prevent the spread of the FMD outbreak in Lumajang Regency and urge farmers to take care of their cattle seriously," he said.

Meanwhile, one of the dairy farmers in Kandang Tepus Village, Senduro District, Kariasan said that his cattle were infected with FMD and consulted a veterinarian, then gave medicine and gave herbal medicines for livestock.

"I kept trying to take care of my cows for 14 days and all of them were treated by doctors, thank God many have recovered," he said.

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