
JAKARTA - The National Police has confirmed that the arrest of the supreme leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin group, Abdul Qadir Baraja, is not related to acts of terrorism. Rather, it is about the spread of fake news that causes trouble.

"Regarding the spread of false news that creates a commotion. All of this will be investigated by investigators," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Tuesday, June 7.

So far, there are three articles that will be suspected against Abdul Qadir Baraja, including the Ormas Law, the Information and Electronic Transactions Law (ITE), and Law No. 1/1946.

However, the Police are still developing these criminal elements. Because, it is possible that other parties will be involved.

"This is a temporary thing that can be submitted until further updates. The team is following up at PMJ because of the locus delicti in PMJ," said Dedi.

Abdul Qadir Baraja was arrested in the Lampung area. This arrest was related to a motorcycle convoy carrying posters in the Cawang area, East Jakarta on Sunday, May 29.

In fact, the contents of the poster are said to contain a narrative that expresses hatred towards the legitimate government.

Abdul Qadir Baraja is also known to be the highest leader of the Khilafatul Muslimin group.

In addition, Abdul Qadir Baraja is also known to be a convict of terrorism cases. This is because he is involved with the Indonesian Islamic State (NII) terrorist group.

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